Guest Post: Back to School!

Part of creating your own style is looking to others for inspiration. One of my sources of inspiration is the cheerleading team I coach. Actually, there are 29 sources of inspiration – 29 teenage girls who’ve got it going on when it comes to style watching, trend starting and moving to the beat of their own fashion drum. It’s amazing to watch them make their own unique fashion statements.

Now, I’m not advocating that women my age or older dress like teenagers. On the contrary! But I do think anyone can learn a lot about fashion and find a little inspiration by taking cues from some of these style savvy young ladies.

As my free-spirited cheerleaders gear up for another season, they are also gearing up to tackle the age-old “what do I wear on the first day of school” question. One of them, Brooke, is here to fill us in on some of her must-haves and offer a little advice to others her age. This fashion-inspired teenager is following her dreams and setting goals to make it in the fashion industry one day, and I recently sat down for a Q&A with her.

As you read about Brooke, remember: Anyone, no matter how old – or young – can inspire your own creativity. You’ve just got to know what to look for!

What are you wearing on the first day of school? (pictures to follow) 

Blouse – American Eagle, Sweater Abercrombie Kids, Jeans – Super Skinny Hollister, Shoes – Abercrombie Flip Flops, Earrings & Headband – Claire’s, Necklace & Bracelet – Express. 

A short description of who you are:

My name is Brooke. I’m 13 years old and I am a cheerleader for WCMS. I love to shop, put on make-up, fix my hair and text my friends. One thing that not many people know about me is, I’m a country girl at heart. I live on a farm and I love to fish, walk to the creek, and get a little dirty.

What is your dream job when you grow up:

When I grow up, I want to design clothes! I would also like to model some.

What is your favorite style right now:

Right now I’m really liking the Hippe/Bohemian look. It’s fun and flirty! And flower prints.

Who in fashion inspires you the most:

I think my favorite fashionista right now is Demi Lovato. She can wear anything and make it cute!

What are your “go to” pieces for your school wardrobe:

I can’t live without skinny jeans! And I love boots!

What is your favorite accessory:

favorite accessory…..earrings!!:))


If you could pick one trend you want me to blog about, what would it be:

 I would like for you to blog about what makeup and accessories are appropriate for preteens and young teens. I think it’s a good time for girls to learn the right way to accessorize and wear makeup without looking too old.

What one piece of advice would you offer your friends and to my readers regarding style:

If you’re wearing tight bottoms go for a loose top. If you’re wearing loose bottoms, go for a fitted shirt! You can’t go wrong with this rule. I’m all over the place with fashion. I think you can make sweat pants look cute! Fashion isn’t about what everyone is wearing. It’s about what you wear and how you feel in it. My advice to my friends and readers: be you! :)

Thanks Brooke! 

XOXO – Alex 


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