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Beneath The Brim

What I’m Wearing: Satya Twena Hat, Forever 21 Blouse (Similar HERE), H&M Trousers (Similar HERE), Aldo Booties (Similar HERE).

Sometimes plain and simple suits me best. I absolutely adore this hat designed by my incredible boss, Satya Twena. The coloring and trim are perfection! Beneath the brim was all about complete subtleness.

Ever have days where you want to dress for comfort only? I have them all of the time and it’s a-ok. My goal is to find one item in my closet I want to feature and the rest has to be easy-going. (Hints the lack of jewelry and accessories today.) From the simplicity of the denim blouse to the solid black trouser pant and the hint of edginess in the boot and hat, I found balance in my ensemble.

Comfort doesn’t always have to mean sweat pants and sneakers!

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