I thought once I hit 30 I’d stop sharing my age publicly, because let’s be honest, who wants to get older? Well screw it. 32 is the number this year, and I’ve declared this year as “the year of me”. I’ve sacrificed so much of me (willingly and proudly) over the last two years, so now is my turn to refocus that energy on myself. That doesn’t mean I’m not focusing on my amazing husband and incredible baby boy, but it’s more of an aligned and concentrated focus on me personally.
At 30 I gave everything I had to Evan and his health and recovery. At 31 I gave everything I had to the tiny and precious life growing inside of me. At 32 I plan to give myself some attention, working on my mental, physical and emotional health. The end goal is to be my BEST for my family, who rely on me to keep the train on the tracks every single day. I want to be mentally and physically fit, more so than I’ve ever been. I want to dig into planning for the future, mapping out my professional and personal goals, and defining what success looks like for me in the next decade.
I think this is something we can all do at any point in our lives. It doesn’t have to be a new year or a birthday, or an anniversary of an important date. We can easily pick up a pen and paper at any point and start to focus on ourselves. Give yourself the time and energy you deserve. Schedule 30 minutes per day to devote to you. That’s the plan I have for 32.
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