Favorite Things Post: Loadin’ Up

The term “stacked” has a whole new meaning in 2012 – in fashion terms, that is. I’m talking bracelets, and the more you stack, the better. Vintage with new. Bright colors with darks. Gold with silver. Bold with dainty. You can even stack your Pandora bracelets (see below). The stacking combinations are endless and the statement you’ll make priceless. And don’t think twice when one of your male friends wonders aloud how you lift your arm with all that “added weight.” Just show him your guns, girl!

My collection of jewelry ranges from cheap-chic to family keepsakes. You can shop similar looks anywhere. From Forever 21 to Francescas to Calypso, everywhere in Lexington is “loadin’ up.” I personally recommend raiding your momma’s jewelry case (lots of vintage goodies are hiding in there. Take a look at my mother’s family slide bracelet – top right).

XOXO – Alex

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