
Feelin’ Haute!

A New Journey

Comes With Much EXCITEMENT! 

As most of you know, I moved to NYC somewhat blindly. I knew one person, had visited twice previously, and had no clue what I had gotten myself into. Some of the journey has been an uphill battle, but for the most part my dreams were everything I had imagined.

Over the past year I’ve maintained two hard-working jobs, a full time blog, and tried to be the best friend, sister, daughter, and girlfriend I could be. Today, I’m smiling because somehow it has managed to work out. I continue to ask God to guide me in this journey. I don’t know where or when it ends, but I know the greater plan is his.

 Today I begin another new job in the city. I am entering this new role similar to my first days in NYC; blindly. I know it’s my dream job, and I’ll give it all I got. So I ask of you to root loud from wherever you are reading. Everyone deserves an opportunity to prove themselves, and maybe this is mine.

… To Be Continued

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