Home Workout Essentials

Unfortunately home quarantine isn’t ending any time soon. Essentially, we all have two options in this time of struggle. Option 1: We can sit at home, wallow in our confusion and uncertainties, and be our own worst enemy. Option 2: We can make something of this time. Cherish more memories with our loved ones, pick up the phone and call our friends, get our blood pumping with a daily workout, and challenge ourselves to set new goals for our new normal. While both seem like decent options, because right now is a freaking scary time, we can agree that one is definitely better than the other.

I’m choosing to believe that we are all trying to pick ourselves up by the boot straps, and make something of this unprecedented time in life. Therefore I’m sharing my list of HOME WORKOUT ESSENTIALS, because the first step in doing something is actually DOING SOMETHING.

The idea is to simply take 30 minutes for yourself at lunch, or an hour at the end of the day, to get your heart beating and your feet moving. This is a very personal goal for myself too this week. I have home workout equipment that has been sitting idol for a few weeks now. I’m deciding today to kick my butt into gear, and embrace the situation and do something for myself in this. My health matters, your health matters, strangers matter, let’s pick everyone up, encourage everyone and try to make the most of this week.


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