To own who you are, one must really know who they are. I personally feel like in order to own who you are, you must go through a lengthy process that requires confidence, self love, lots of grace, trusting your gut, and maturity. Owning who you are definitely doesn’t happen over night.
With a lot of self reflection over the last few years, multiple trips to a therapist, and allowing myself to go through a recovery phase, I feel like I can officially own who I am. It’s really cool to say that. I also know that even though I own it, I can still change it at any time. There’s power in change too.
There’s something to be said for those who put in the work to better themselves. I honestly feel like it’s a lifelong journey to become the best version of you, but like anything else in life, the more you work at it, the better you become. So in summary, own it all. Own your flaws, own your wins, and own your failures. Own your mistakes and disappointments. Own your achievements and praise your efforts. Own your quirks, and own your craft. When you own who you are, you’ll be unstoppable.
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