5 Simple Tips For New Moms During Coronavirus Quarantine


Creating a schedule that works best for your family. My husband and I operate from a shared Google calendar, and I print it to hang on our fridge every morning. I color code my virtual meetings in pink and his in green. I also hang a sheet of paper next to our shared calendar, where we record all of Mac’s feedings, diaper changes, naps, etc. so we keep him on a tight schedule during the day. As we are both working full time while caring for Mac, it’s important to know who did what and when. For instance, if Evan fed Mac at 7:30 am, he will record that on the sheet so when I go to feed him next, I know when it’s appropriate and how much he is expected to drink / eat. You get the idea. There is a system that works for everyone. This is ours, and I’m really proud of our teamwork. I try to stick to a model similar to Mac’s daycare. I have taken a screenshot of his last day at daycare for you guys to see the detail in his scheduling.


Try to operate as close to normal as possible. This one is key for me and the success of my day. Even if it’s yoga pants, I get up and get dressed, put on shoes and fix my hair. It makes me feel like I have somewhere to be and someone is holding me accountable. You guys have seen my casual looks on Instagram. Like below, it’s vital to my outlook on working from home to try to be my normal self.


This is an unprecedented time in our lives. Take full advantage of every hour of every day while you’re at home. The minute you let yourself get into a rut (back into your couch potato state), it’s really hard to come back from it. Any time I have taken a break during the work day, I’m either playing with Mac or taking time to organize. I’m making the most of my time. For instance, Mac’s closet desperately needs some help. I’m planning my lunch hour today to clean out and organize his clothes, shoes, and accessories. There are so many things we can organize in our homes to make us more efficient while we are here. Think about your personal filing system, your bills, your health & wellness products, your medicine cabinet, your pantry, etc. There are so many things that could probably use a little refresh.

Photo Credit: Pinterest


Sunshine and fresh air are a total game changer you guys. Every day, I take time to sit outside or be outside walking, swinging Mac, throwing the ball to Dottie, or just listening to the birds chirp. If you’ve ever lived in NYC, you know you don’t get to hear the birds chirp. I appreciate it more than ever after living in Manhattan. My point is, Allow yourself 10-15 minutes to take in the beauty of nature and spring. On days it rains, I’ll sit on our front porch with Mac and listen to the rain. Or I’ll open the garage door, pull up a seat and stare out into my driveway. Sounds a bit weird, but you’ll think me later. Below is Mac’s new swing. We come out here every day and swing and smile at each other. Its good for the soul.


Give yourself something to work for. If your a mom to several kids, set goals for you and your children. What can they achieve by the end of each week? Currently, I set personal and professional goals for each week of quarantine. It’s the only way I can hold myself accountable and not lose sight of my goals in general. Goals create drive, passion and purpose. One goal I set this week was to find creative ways to encourage my followers. This post achieves that goal. Check!

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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