I AM BACK! It feels like it has been ages since I posted here, and to be honest, it has felt weird. I have missed this space, writing and creating. Although I do not have enough time in the day to create daily posts here, I want to be back on the blog more often.
Since I posted last, I had a beautiful baby boy, Theodore James Sharp. He was born on December 7, 2023. I now have two amazing boys, and I am enjoying the boy mom club so much. As I get back to work at my full time job, start taking on photography clients again, and run Lex What Wear on socials, I am busy finding my new groove. I hope you will stick with me as I navigate juggling all of my commitments, but most importantly, being a wife and mom.
Looking ahead to warm weather, sunshine and outdoor time, I have created a favorites list from Berlook. Their swimwear and accessories are AMAZING, and I can’t wait to try out some new swim looks this season. My body has changed with motherhood, but that won’t stop me from wearing cute swimwear, feeling confident in my own skin, and embracing this beautiful body that carried and created two incredible humans.
I hope you enjoy some Berlook swim inspiration, and I will be back soon with more. I promise I am back on the blog!

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