Insta-Trip #IFBCON

Today is bittersweet as I head back home from the big city. As I collect my thoughts, notes, and pics from the week I wanted to share with you all a bit of my trip, Instagram style. I know we all love Instagram, and fashion bloggers are eating it up too. As I technically have the day off from work, and my side jobs, I still wanted to bring you guys a behind the scenes look at what I’ve been up to the past two days. Below, also notice a few of my new inspirations for Lex What Wear. *And don’t forget to follow Lex What Wear on Instagram: @Lexwhatwear* Enjoy y’all! 

NYC designer and friend, Satya Twena.
Kentucky gals at IFBCON.
Lunch in Soho with Chelsea Cain of Reward Style.
Dinner out at Northern Spy in East Village.
Bare Minerals at IFBCON.

“Success is not what you do, it’s what you inspire others to do,” Iman.

Mission ahead: The past few days have been fabulous, observational, and a complete learning-whirlwind. This experience is one that I will never forget, and I will take these tools that I have learned to grow Lex What Wear and better this blog for you all. To inspire you all is my main goal.

Starting Now: My plan is to bring you all the best tips and pics, to be ever-so informative, and to create an outlet of style-infused education for each of you to read and love day in and day out.

Being Brave: I’ve been charged to not sensor myself. Being a brave blogger is crucial to success and blog longevity.

XOXO – Alex

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