Jade Striped Button Up Top

At 34 weeks pregnant,you pretty much wear whatever fits. I’ve been lucky to find a few non-maternity pieces that still fit at this size, but most of my outfits will be on repeat from this point forward.

This Jade Striped Button Up Top from Shop Dressup is one of those pieces that will be a staple post-pregnancy too. As it still fits (this week), I definitely intend to wear it again to work. I also managed to get my hair done last week, so I’m feeling much better about getting dressed up and going every day. Good clothes, and fresh hair can make all of the difference.

If it seems like I’m rambling, it’s because I am. I’m in the home stretch of my first pregnancy, and if you follow me on social media, you know it hasn’t been the easiest ride. I think I’ve reached a point of utter exhaustion and my expectations are all over the place. It’s definitely caused me to be out of my element and routine. I’m sure after baby is here, and I’ve had time to adjust, my routine will go back to somewhat normal as far as the blog goes.

So keep hanging on with me as I navigate a totally new phase of life!


One response to “Jade Striped Button Up Top”

  1. That’s a gorgeous top! Take all the time you need to get your mind in order, this is a very lifechanging moment in your life, we can wait, we all wish you the best.

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