I can’t believe it’s already week 3 with our sweet bundle of joy, John McLean Sharp. He will go by McLean or “Mac” if you wish, and he’s growing like a weed. He makes all kinds of noises, and is so flexible and strong already. He eats like a champ and loves the sound of mom and dad’s voices. He’s up to 6 lbs 11.5 oz and the pediatrician’s office is so smitten with our little fella.
McLean has become besties with Boo, our oldest cat. Dottie our dog is still adjusting to her little bro, but she loves him more and more with every day. Biscuit, well he’s just Biscuit, and isn’t sure of what baby is or where baby came from. All in all, Mom is getting used to the new schedule and Dad is back to work.
I might have missed the first 2 weeks, but I plan to journal every week of this first year on here with you all. It’s a way for me to look back at milestones, and also share his journey of life. We are amazed by his sweetness and love him beyond words. I can’t wait to share more with you all next week. Eventually, I will share a little more about his crazy birth story!
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