Little McLean is a month old! I can’t believe he’s already been with us for an entire month. Since he was about a month early, we feel so fortunate and blessed that he is healthy and happy here at home with us. Also, I’ve finally decided I am going to share his birth story on the blog next week. Stay tuned for that.
Over the holiday weekend, McLean went to Kentucky for the first time and visited his grandparents at the farm. He watched football, met his Great Uncle John, and enjoyed being outside with all of the animals. This was our first time traveling with him, and we realized HOW MUCH STUFF a baby requires when traveling. Goodness gracious, we packed the car full for just one night away.

This week at home, McLean has started to focus his eyes on Mom and a few colorful toys. He’s smiling a little, and reacting to Mom’s voice. He’s not been sleeping the best at night, so Mom and Dad are working on a new nightly routine and going to give the Nested Bean Sleep Sack a try. Any tips for this new momma on getting your one month old to sleep?
Other than being the sweetest and cuddliest baby on the planet, McLean is continuing to grow like a weed and we are amazed at all of the changes we see in him daily. I can’t wait to bring him “home” to Lexington in October. We are already counting down the days.

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