I realized I missed week seven due to sharing his birth story, so I thought I would just go ahead and catch back up with week eight. I’ll probably say this every week, but I can’t believe he’s eight weeks old. The nights can be long, but the days fly by.
This week we received some AMAZING news. First off, I received that clothes steamer I’ve always wanted. And secondly, McLean is now enrolled in the daycare we had applied for. If you’ve talked to me in the last two months, I’ve probably mentioned how stressed I’ve been about getting in. You see, almost all of Nashville’s daycares have a one year minimum waitlist. Nearly everywhere we called was two plus years to get in, and siblings get first dibs. They tell you to have a solid back up plan, and to apply to several daycares. We didn’t really have a back up plan, for several reasons. For starters, I didn’t want to drive out of Nashville, fighting horrific traffic every day for daycare. Considering I work and live in downtown, I wanted to stay close to downtown. So we’ve had our fingers and toes crossed for the last two months on our one solid option.
In August I called after McLean was born, and we were number eight on the waitlist. That meant seven other families had to turn down the available spot. Last week I found out we were number two on the waitlist, and if the other family took the spot, they wouldn’t have availability until August of 2020. The stress was so real over the weekend, that my face broke out like a pizza slice, and I got even less sleep than before. If that’s even possible…
I knew we needed some good vibes around here this week, and on Wednesday we got the call that we’d been praying for. We were offered the spot and McLean can start when my maternity leave ends. Praise the Lord. The biggest weight was lifted and I felt like I could breathe again. If you’re expecting, take this as a lesson to apply for daycares as soon as you find out. If you’re not expecting, and you’re looking for a career field to go into, become a nanny or open up a daycare in Nashville. We are truly missing out on the big bucks!
Needless to say it was a big week. McLean is almost ten pounds, and he’s making eye contact with just about anything he can. He’s outgrowing most of his newborn clothes, and is an absolute joy to be around. He may hate me for it later, but I share a “Mac’s OOTD” most days on Instagram. I love dressing him while I can. We pray together every night, and he seems to love the sound of my voice. Nothing is sweeter than watching him look at me when I talk, or grip my finger when he’s about to fall asleep. I will cherish all of these little moments, for I know they come and go so fast.

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