I’ve said this many times before, but how in the world is my baby boy 3 months old? Week 14 has been our hardest week yet. This past Monday I returned to work full time, having to leave my sweet guy at daycare. Although we LOVE his daycare and his teachers, it was just as hard as I imagined to enter back into the working world.
He is officially the tiniest guy at daycare, but the cutest if you ask me. Definitely biased over here, and that’s okay. In fact I’m smiling ear to ear as I type this, thinking about how darn cute he really is. His big smile and little noises make it so hard to walk out of daycare every morning. However, the look I get from him when I return at the end of the day is priceless and worth every second of being away from him.
McLean knows my voice, and recognizes me as soon as I walk into his classroom. His eyes light up and his cheeks get rosy, and then I see that big gummy smile that melts my heart into a million pieces. I talk to him the entire way home, as if he can actually talk back and tell me about his day. Sorry to the innocent drivers witnessing my crazy face talking to my 3 month old baby at stoplights. You’ve been warned Nashvillians, I’m that Mom.
At the end of last week, McLean made some big moves. He is rolling over from tummy to back, and has developed such incredible head control. I’m actually shocked at how strong he is. I figured he might be a little behind being 5 weeks early, but that has not slowed him down for a second. He dressed up as a shark for Halloween, and melted our hearts even more. There’s a common theme here. McLean is constantly melting hearts.
I bet week 15 is going to be a little bit better for this Momma. Each day of week 14 has been a smidge easier, as I learn the ropes of daycare drop off and get caught up at work. I can’t wait to continue to watch this baby grow. He is the light of our lives, and will forever be.

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