Can’t believe McLean is 6 weeks old, however, I will probably say that each week. He went to the doctor this week and is up to almost 9 pounds. The pediatrician’s office is thrilled with his weight gain and his progress as a premature baby. Mom and Dad are thrilled too.
This week was super special to Mom, as McLean got to meet his Great Grandmother, Betty. She had the magic touch, and McLean loved her so much. I know that my Grandaddy, Ira McLean, would have been over the moon in love with him too. We are blessed to have him looking over us.
We were busy this week feeding McLean more, keeping his attention during the day, and helping him focus on new things. He loves being in his crib with his light-up aquarium. He played with his Grandmother Emmie all day Wednesday and helped her around the house. We are fortunate to have Emmie so close, and she is a great help to Mom. Although we miss our T every day (my mom), we count down the days until we see her again.
McLean is busy filling out and growing into his long legs. So we are focusing on wearing all of our cute outfits while we can. Today he’s wearing one of his dad’s old outfits and it is beyond cute. We are so lucky to have a variety of hand-me-downs and new outfits, so our plan is to make sure he gets in at least most of them before he grows too big and the seasons change.
I promised last week to share his birth story this week, but time got away from me. I am going to work on getting it ready for Monday or Tuesday. So stay tuned for that (for real this time).

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